
Summer Photography


Welcome to this new blog post.

I decided to do this blog post anyway because I did shot some (if I may say so) nice pictures.
Besides this I have also been working on my Instagram. I love photography, but my Instagram just looked like crap. It has no theme, no rhythm, nothing. So I decided to totally change my Instagram, I deleted lots of pictures (sometimes it was a little painful), and I am going to rebuild my Instagram. I'm not totally sure yet what theme I want, I do though have one specific filter that I like and I think I'll use that one on every picture from now on. My Instagram is going to be about Art & Photography because that's what I'm interested in. Check out my Instagram if you can, I haven't uploaded much yet since I restarted, @ menesse.

Without further ado, let's get into what this blog post is really all about: Summer Photography!

This is the edited version of the picture above.

I don't really know what I should say with these pictures, I thought it'd be better if I'd just leave it like this without any comments.

I hope you liked this post (:
If you have any suggestions for a blog post, comment down below (:

☀ Thanks so much for reading! x 

- Marit

P.S. these pictures aren't allowed to be copied. All the rights belong to Marit Hidding. 

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