
♔LORD & BERRY Crayon lipstick review♔


..to another blog post.

First of all, I have to say: Oops.
Out of the 5 blog posts I promised, I only uploaded two.
The foundation review didn't go as planned, because the lighting on the pictures was all wrong, and I forgot to take a few pictures.
The 10 drugstore makeup products I can't live without is still on my schedule, just not this week.
And the summer photography blog. Hmm.. I still want to post that, but summer here in the Netherlands didn't last long enough to take good pictures. So I don't have a lot of pictures. I think I'll postpone this post and make it a Fall Pictures blog because you gotta love fall ^^
Besides this, I am also really sorry for the fact that I haven't posted ANYTHING for the last few weeks. School has been pretty busy these first few weeks, and because it is my final year school is now on the top of my list of priorities.

Anyways, I have actually now planned when I am gonna post what. Still don't know if it is all going to work out, but at least it is a start. I really want to go on with blogging, because I am really loving it so far. I know I am still a bit of an amateur, but I am trying to improve my skills (: For the next few weeks (September - October) I have planned about 3 blog posts a week. Some weeks more, some weeks less. I am going to try if this is going to work out, and if it does I'll definitely keep it up that way.

So for today I had planned a review of a crayon lipstick by Lord & Berry. I have never had any products of Lord & Berry and besides that I have also never tried a crayon lipstick. I got this crayon lipstick from a giveaway by themakeupspot.nl, so thanks to them I can do this review! (:

Review LORD & BERRY crayon lipstick

The color I have is Cherry - 20100 Crayon Lipstick.

Swatch + smudged swatch

I absolutely love the color. It is a beautiful red color but with some pink in it. I don't usually wear these kinds of colors on a casual day, but I think it's the perfect color for special occasions and such. The color looks a bit pinker than is it is on the pictures.

When you want to put on lipstick with a lipstick crayon you need to make sure your lips are hydrated and smooth. If they're not, try brushing them with your (clean!) toothbrush first. This will not only act like a scrub but will also help restore blood flow in your lips and even plump them a little bit.

For the best result, put concealer or foundation on your lips first. This will make the color stand out more. As soon as you've done that, make sure your lips are dry. If your lips are wet, the crayon won't work (just like normal pencils won't). First outline your lips, and smudge those outer lines. Don't begin at your cupid bow. To get a fuller look, start in the corner of your mouth, dragging the pencil upward to your cupid bow. 

After that you can either fill your lips in with a lipstick of the same shade, or a somewhat lighter shade (which will also make them look fuller) or fill the rest in with same pencil. I filled them in with the pencil, for the sake of this review.

Fix any mistakes with concealer (not with your fingers!)

And this is the final look! (:

Because it is a crayon lipstick, it does kinda dehydrate your lips. But you can fix this by just putting your favorite lip balm on top. I think the result looks amazing. It's a beautiful matte color (:

Crayon lipsticks, as I've heard, last longer than normal lipstick. And it did indeed last a long time. Unfortunately, during dinner it totally got like 'washed' off. But that's the same with lipstick. I don't know any lipstick that can survive dinner. Or maybe I just eat in a very weird way :') I guess that's the problem. 

I love this crayon lipstick and I am definitely planning on buying more lip pencils because I think they look very nice (:

I hope you liked this post (:
If you have any suggestions for a blog post, comment down below (:

☀ Thanks so much for reading! x 

- Marit

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