
1 Piece, 5 Outfits || Summer Outfits


How ya doin' t'day?

Here is another blog I promised to post this week!
And it is one of my favorites to do (:
Outfits for summer!

But this time, with a twist.
I decided to pick one piece which I'd use in every outfit.
In this case, I used my black&white striped crop top (from Primark) in every outfit.
So here it is;

1 Piece, 5 Outfits

Outfit 1; Casual

So the first outfit is just a casual one. I combined my denim high-waisted shorts with this top, just because I love high-waisted shorts with crop tops. For shoes, I went a little bit more crazy and decided to go with these black and white plateau boots.

Top: Primark
Shorts: H&M
Shoes: H&M

Outfit 2; Girly yet Edgy

The second outfit is one of my favorites. Not only did I combine two different patterns (stripes and dots) but I also combined something dressy with something edgy. I am wearing my plateau boots again to make it look more edgy, and I am wearing a high-waisted dotted skirt.

Skirt: H&M
Shoes: H&M

Outfit 3; Beach-y

So the third outfit is perfect for a day at the beach, or just a summer day in general.
I wouldn't wear this when it's really hot, because of the black maxi skirt, but I think you can pull off this look any day. 

Maxi Skirt: The Sting
Sandals: New look
Hat: I don't know anymore :S

Outfit 4; Street

This outfit is for the somewhat colder days. A look that has more color than all of the other looks :')
This is an outfit you can just throw on any day. It's simple and casual but still looks put together.

Flannel: Primark
Jeans: Clockhouse (C&A)
Shoes: Bristol

Outfit 5; Rock

Outfit 5 is almost the same as outfit 4, just without the flannel and different shoes.
I wanted to use ripped jeans in this outfit, but unfortunately I do not own a pair of ripped jeans.
Anyways, this outfit is more of a 'rock' look. Maybe something I'd consider wearing to a concert.

Jeans: Clockhouse (C&A)
Shoes: H&M

These were the 5 outfits that I put together!
I know, they weren't very exciting, because I didn't use many colors. But I think this crop top is better to be paired with black&white stuff because the crop top looks edgy and should be paired with those edgy colors.

Comment down below if you want more of these posts!
Maybe I'll make a Fall lookbook this Fall (:

I hope you liked this post (:
If you have any suggestions for a blog post, comment down below (:

☀ Thanks so much for reading! x 

- Marit

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