
♔DIY Nose Strips♔

Happy Friday everyone!

Time for a new blog post, and it is a DIY!
It is winter and during the winter, your skin deserves (and needs!) some extra care.
So today, for everyone dealing with blackheads and clogged pores, I am going to show you how to make your own nose strips! BTW: I dropped my camera by accident a little while ago, and I thought it didn't do any damage to my lens, just my screen, but I can't seem to take good quality pictures anymore so that's very unfortunate. For now, you and I will have to do it with these bad quality pictures, but I've got a backup laying around so I'll photograph with that one next week

DIY Nose Strips

What you'll need:
- 1 egg
- A brush
- Two small bowls
- Tissue paper


1. First the best thing to do is to wash your face with hot water. This will open up the pores. Also, make sure to remove your makeup. 

2. Separate your egg. You'll only need the egg whites for this. I've got this handy-dandy thing for it.

3. Get your tissue paper and make sure that it is as thin as possible (separate the layers)
4. Grab your brush (you can also do this with your fingers, but that's gonna be a bit of a mess) and apply the egg whites wherever you want your nose strip to be (I put it on my nose and on my chin).

5. Now grab your tissue paper and put it on the places where you applied your egg whites. Make sure to leave some ends to the tissue paper so you'll be able to get it off
6. Now wait for about 30 minutes. While waiting, it's good to clean your brush. Make sure to clean your brush very well so the egg whites won't harden (and your brush will be ruined forever).
7. After waiting for about 30 minutes, it's time to gently pull the nose strip(s) off. Don't rip it off, the best thing to get as many blackheads as you can is to gently pull it off. 
8. Then wash your face again, and we're done (: Your face is all gorgeous and clean now!

I hope you liked this post!
If you did, please subscribe to my blog (:
Comment down below if you tried this out!

Thanks for reading!

- Marit

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