
➳How To Get Motivated To Workout !

Hello, guys!

Welcome back to a new post. A fun little update: I will be posting weekly from now on! Every friday or saturday a new and fresh post will be here on this blog for you!
This week's post is about motivation to workout. Now, I am not telling you that you should workout because that is your own choice. But if you do want to, but you can never seem to find the motivation for it - like me - then here are some tips for you.

I do not work out to lose weight, I work out to feel good. Working out used to be part of my 'most hated things ever'-list, but not anymore. After a long time of doing nothing besides laying in bed, I started to feel like I never had the energy anymore to do anything. Well, the cause of that is that I am not working out anymore. I am not used to it anymore because all I do is lay in my bed or sit in a chair and that makes you tired. On a certain moment I was just done with it and I wanted my energy back. But the motivation, the motivation was a problem. So I have been working out for only one/two weeks now, and I decided to share my favorite and most helpful tips with you.

How to get motivated to workout!

1. Find the best workout for you
What sports do you like best? Do you prefer a mild workout or an intense workout? Search any type of workout on the internet and try to find out what fits you best. So for me, I decided to start playing volleyball again. I used to play volleyball but because school got a little too busy for me, I decided to quit. Now, 2 years later, I miss it so much that I just wanted to start playing it again. In my free time I also like to do (a few) yoga poses, but I prefer volleyball.

2. Set goals
Setting goals is so important. But you have to make them realistic. Don't say: 'I want to workout every week in 2016' if you already know that you won't be able to do that! Set a goal like this: I want to workout once a week for three months. You can add more goals as you go, just try to be realistic so that you'll actually achieve something.

3. You don't need to go to the gym to workout
So I feel like a lot of people think you have to go to the gym if you want a good workout. Now this might be true for some people, but not everyone likes to workout at the gym. If you're not ready yet to go in full on workout mode, then simply just don't! If a hike is the right amount of exercise for you, then that's what you need to do. Just going outside and walking will already help you make you feel a lot more energized and good. It is also one of my favorite things to do.

4. Treat yourself
After a workout, it is not wrong to treat yourself. I mean, you actually had any type of exercise so why not treat yourself? Treating yourself will only motivate yourself more. With treating yourself I don't mean stuffing a whole bar of chocolate in your mouth or a bag of chips, but I mean treat yourself with things like a smoothie, a hot bath, a hot shower or that new episode of [fill in the blank]. Just anything (healthy) that motivates you.

5. Better together
Workout with your friend! I love doing this because they motivate me like no other. And it also makes working out fun when you can just talk the whole time and forget that you're actually working out!

These were my tips. They all help me a lot, and I hope they will now help you too (if you're not motivated).
Again, I am not trying to say that you have to workout. I am just trying to give advice to the people who do want to workout but are not motivated enough.

I hope you liked this post!
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Comment down below which tip works best for you!

Thanks for reading! x

- Marit

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