
❄Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas! || Blogmas #10❄


Welcome to Blogmas day 10! I failed. I failed. I am 2 days behind. But that's just because I had to make a choice between school and blogging and school is my priority of course. But now I had some free time and decided to write the two posts that I hadn't uploaded yet, and tomorrow I will post my Blogmas day 12 and 13 so that I will be on schedule again (:

For today's blog post I decided to give you some Stocking stuffer ideas. We don't have this tradition in the Netherlands, but I would so love to make this a tradition in my household, or just doing this with friends. I will give you some ideas for teens/young adults. Cheap and somewhat more expensive. For both men and women. Let's get on with the ideas!

Christmas Stocking Stuffer Ideas!

1. Sunglasses
Sunglasses are always a great thing to get. They're so useful and will definitely not be a waste. The person you're giving them to will definitely get much use out of them.
2. Candle
Candles are bae. Seriously, though. I love candles. Especially during the winter, I burn a lot of candles. Just be sure to wrap them in a way so they won't break.

3. Blank JournalBlank journals are always so useful and will be a great gift!

4. NotebookSame thing as the blank journals. Anyone would appreciate a notebook. I love writing things down, it's like my hobby :')

5. Bath bombBath bombs are a great gift. Just be careful that it won't fall apart when you put it in the stocking.

6. Chapstick/Lip balm
Always useful. Especially during the winter. You can never have enough of these.

7. Hand sanitizer/Hand Lotion
Not only a cute gift but also very useful. I love little hand lotions or sanitizers. I try to always carry one with me. So definitely a great gift.

8. Coffee
If the person you're buying this for loves coffee, then this is a great gift. Maybe buy a special flavor or something.

9. Tea
Pretty much the same thing as with coffee, just make sure you buy this for a tea lover (:

10. Pens/MarkersThese always come in handy. I always lose my favorite ones :')

11. SocksYou can never go wrong with this. Just buy a cute pair of Christmas socks :)

12. WalletThis may be more a gift for a guy rather than a girl. Girls like to buy their own wallets or don't really change much between wallets. But this is always a great gift for guys, in my opinion.

13. DVD
A nice classic Christmas movie or just one that you know he/she loves and doesn't have yet. Always a great gift if you ask me.

14. Temporary Tattoos
Now, this is more of a present that not everybody likes, but I do really like this. I always love to play with temporary tattoos. But some people might not like this as much.

15. Baking tools
If the person you're buying something for is a baker, then baking tools are definitely a good thing. Cookie cutters, whisks, just any tools or decorations are a great thing to give to people who absolutely love to bake (like me).

16. Perfume/CologneWell, this is probably a more difficult one, because it's very personal. Everyone has a different taste in smells (woah, is that even a good sentence? :')). You could either buy one you know that the person loves, or just take a guess and hope he/she likes it.

17. T-shirt
A cute t-shirt with a funny saying is always a great thing to give/get. Simple yet very useful.

18. Earrings
Just a simple pair of earrings. You can never go wrong with this. Just make sure you don't buy anything too sophisticated.

19. Tights
Because you can just never have enough. 

20. Phone case
It's always great to have a nice case for your phone, especially when someone gave it to you.

21. Cards Against Humanity
This is one of my favorite games o play. It's so cruel and dirty, though, so make sure that person has that kind of humor or they won't like it :')

22. Music
As in a cd :') If you know the persons taste in music you could definitely give a cd. It's always a great thing to receive.

23. Audiobook
I've never had one, but the concept is great. Not having to read :') Or read along, of course. But I am more of the 'not reading' part. Audiobooks are great gift for the non-readers.

24. Hair ties
Again, you can never have enough. Trust me, these things always seem to walk away or go to another dimension or something. I always lose them all! So getting these as a gift is great!

25. Photograph
This is such a beautiful yet personal gift. You can also make a photo album. But photos are a great thing to receive because they're so sentimental.

I hope you liked this post (:
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☀ Thanks so much for reading! x 

- Marit

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